Thursday, 24 June 2021

Brave Browser : The Best Browser

Brave Browser : The Best Browser
In our day to day life, web browsers play a very important role which we don't even realize. From surfing internet to watching youtube videos, we use web browsers. Google chrome is the most popular web browser and majority of the internet users use this browser. But you might have heard a lot of complaints that Google Chrome uses maximum resources of the computer and if you open multiple tabs in it, is gets frozen or makes the PC very slow.

To overcome this problem, some companies tried to use the source code of Google Chrome and developed several Chromium based web browsers but they all couldn't do well. Even Microsoft used Chromium source code and enhanced its Edge browser which improved its performance a lot. But still it could not beat the best browser of all time, which is "Brave" browser.

Brave browser is made using chromium source code and in terms of speed and features, it is the best among all browsers. Not only this, you can earn BAT crypto tokens which you can transfer to your crypto wallets and sell it and cash it out. Isn't it cool getting free crypto tokens just by using your web browser for your in your day to day internet usage?


Following are some of the features of the brave browser:

  • In built adblocker which is very powerful in blocking youtube ads, web ads, search result ads and any kind of ads which may interrupt your web browsing experience.
  • As compared with the other browsers, Brave is 40% faster and it doesn't consume much amount of RAM even if you open multiple tabs.
  • It has very strict privacy features which protect you from being tracked and from malicious cookies.
  • For browsing websites, it rewards you with BAT crypto tokens.
  • You can use all chrome extensions in Brave browser.

I would definitely suggest you to install Brave browser and use it as I am personally using it from long time and it is surprisingly good. With the time, Brave browser keeps getting better and better, thanks to the amazing developer team.


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